About us

The GimmePro Story

As a physical therapist based in Arizona, my journey into the world of golf began as a fun activity to spend time outside with friends. I recognized during play that a good short game can prevent a lot of headaches on the course. I spent many hours practicing my chipping, and I noticed a common frustration among golfers – the annoying process of collecting scattered balls around the chipping green. Practice greens were cluttered with golf balls, and it took people too much time. 

Driven by a desire to find a better solution, I embarked on a mission to create a modern, compact tool that would make it easier for golfers. The goal was to create a modern golf ball shag that could fit inside your golf bag. Through the design process, I met Thinh Tran, a golfer and product development expert. We ended up partnering to bring this vision to life.

Through countless hours of research, design, and collaboration with industry experts, we refined our creation into what is now  GimmePro. Our goal at Gimme Golf Lab is simple: to empower golfers to elevate their short game through innovative, user-friendly tools.

At Gimme Golf Lab, we're committed to making a difference in the way golfers practice and play. Join us on our journey as we take our short games to the next level, one flop shot at a time. 

Shawn and Thinh

Contact us at proshop@gimmepro.golf